Maelstrom Headquarters


In 2017, Maelstrom Collaborative Arts moved into an historic storefront at West 54th and Detroit to accommodate our smaller productions and provide rehearsal, workshop/classroom space and administrative offices. Maelstrom HQ is now the hub of our collaborative work and continues to help us grow and advance our mission.


Lola Hall is MCA's rehearsal and performance studio in our storefront location in Gordon Square. The space has wooden floors suitable for dance, blackbox theater technical capabilities, unisex restroom, and large windows that look out onto Detroit Ave (with curtains for privacy and light blocks). Access to a small kitchenette is available upon request.

Rental Amenities

  • Sound system with mixer and cables

  • Free Wifi

  • Temperature Controls

  • Seating capacity up to 50 (depending on layout)

To learn more, please fill out the form below: