an explorable remix of Dante’s Inferno

This October, Maelstrom Collaborative Arts is bringing together a horde of multidisciplinary artists to create an immersive, explorable vision of Dante’s classic Inferno. Under the leadership of Executive Artistic Director Jeremy Paul, an ensemble of movers, painters, directors, writers, musicians, performers, and more will be bringing this centuries-old story to life.

In “Inferno”, the nine circles of hell are evoked through the work of dozens of artists using a variety of disciplines and media to explore modern day interpretations of sin and redemption. Each level of hell will be created by a different artistic discipline, examining, interpreting, and remixing Dante’s poem through theater, dance, visual arts, music, performance art, installation design, and puppetry. Just in time for Halloween, this live multimedia performance will guide the audience through a series of installations, performances, and hellish worlds throughout the CycleWerks warehouse in Gordon Square Arts District.

directed by Jeremy Paul

Featuring work by
Carolina Borja, Sequoia Bostick, Marcia Custer, Suhaylah Hamzah, Cassie Harner, Devin Hinzo, Elaine Hullihen, Janine Jones, Meredith L. King, Val Kozlenko, Christine Lewis, Courtney D. Love, Jes Mellen, Nino Meyo, Kris Mills, Martinique Mims, Rachel Mulholland, Katherine Nash, Amy Schwabauer, Anna Tararova, Varsha Vydyula, Jimmie Woody, Tay Williams, and Laura Yurko.

Dates and Times

october 22-27

[tu]-[sa] @ 7:30pm
[sa]-[su] @ 3pm

doors open 30 minutes prior
to each show’s start


$10 on Tuesday preview


Cleveland Cyclewerks
1265 West 65th St.
Cleveland OH 44102


For this performance, please keep in mind the following:

  1. Parking for the Inferno is at 1242 West 65th Street, just down the street from the Venue. Please be sure to lock all valuables in your trunk or take them with you.
  2. Mobility-warning: The Inferno will taking place on multiple levels in an historic Cleveland warehouse that is not ADA/Wheelchair accessible. Please be prepared to walk, stand, and traverse flights of stairs. Limited seating will be available.
  3. Clothing-recommendation: The building has maintained all of its warehouse charms, so be sure to dress appropriately depending on the outside temperature.
  4. Restrooms are available, but somewhat limited in capacity. Hey, it's hell.